Stylistic choices
Updated: Dec 23, 2020

World 1 is a glossy, contrived and overwhelmingly pink haven, where indulging in 'self-care' is the absolute priority. The products Eliza uses have been meticulously designed and created for girls like her. With these products, she can fix herself, care for herself, be herself. How lucky is she to have all of this choice?!
Back to planet earth: World 1 depicts Capitalism's version of 'self-care'. The 'self care' which has made the notion of 'caring for oneself', seem impossible. The bomb-site of messages/imagery women are forced to consume are overwhelming and seemingly unattainable for so many. (And catastrophic for their bank accounts). I believe underneath the 'self-care' veil, hide the diet and beauty industries, which both are geared, of course, towards making women look better.
But is it forced upon Eliza? Eliza has a choice: she is in control of what she consumes. She is in control of what she spreads on her face, what she dips her feet into, which pills she pops. Or is she?
As capitalism's version of 'self-care' likes to tell us: we are the problem. If we improve ourselves, everything will be ok! So Eliza begins...
