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Writer's pictureAnnie Harmeston



- social media

- consumer culture

Random ideas

- different bubbles.

- An app a day

- Interactive film where you can click on different life lessons. Satirical shorts on various life lessons- but really stupid ones. Really simple set ups. Shot in studio. Maybe 5-6 stories?

- I want to convey the total bombardment of shit on social media, i kind of want it to be super fast pace to make viewers feel exactly how it does for some every single day.

How i've been feeling:

I feel I absolutely have to make the most of every single day. But i'm not present in anything I'm doing. It's just one thing after the next, repetitive and constant THINGS to do.

I feel anxious if i'm not doing, but still anxious when i am doing, worrying i'm not making the most of my time or doing the right thing. A 'me' day ends up being just as stressful as a shite day at work.

Instagram doesn't help. Advice on EVERYTHING. DO THIS, DO THAT. There's always a lesson on something.

- Girl boss bollocks feminism

- Wellness

- Financial waffle.

- Fitness

- What i eat in a day

*Random idea* Interactive film where you can click on different life lessons. Satirical shorts on various life lessons- but really stupid ones.

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